User Journey

What is
user journey?

A user journey is a detailed description of the path followed by a user while performing a certain task on a website/app. This includes all the webpages & decision points a user has to face to get their task done on the said platform. 


What is a user journey map?

A user journey map is a visual representation of a user’s journey along a platform in order to complete a certain task, all the way beginning from the initial starting point (aka, first contact), continuing through the entire engagement with the platform. This also includes all the various touch points & key interactions users have with your product along with user emotions, motivations, & goals stated explicitly at each step. 

How to create a user journey?

  • Understand your users first. In order to create an accurate user journey,  we first need to create the right set of user personas to understand their challenges and frustrations & how to ensure they finish their task hassle-free.
  • Once all the existing user journeys are mapped out, designers try to find the easiest & effective way to reach the end goal with minimum frustration & confusion for the user.
  • By highlighting existing issues, user journeys can be used to find areas of improvement so that the required features & functionalities can be added at the right points to ensure a smooth journey.

User journey v.
User Flow

User journey is a high-level (macro) view of customer journey across a platform while user flows are all about detailed (micro) level actions taken by the users.  User journeys help understand overall customer experience whereas user flows outline specific steps the users take to finish a single task. User flows are more detailed which user journeys provide a bird’s eye view of the user behavior. 

user journey definition